As fr as I can see you offer Server Edition and Cloud Edition. We are running two businesses in two different countries. The Hardware in both countries are quite different. So the simpel solution would be the Cloud Edition. But we would like this to have it on our own Cloud running.
while a cloud edition supports custom domains i am not sure you can run cloud edition of Manager on your own cloud. after all that is what you are paying for, to have a cloud storage.
but it would be possible if you deploy a server on your cloud and install the server edition of Manager.
Cloud edition and server edition is the same program. The only difference is that cloud edition - we run the software on our servers for you. Server edition means you get the software and run it on your servers. But the software itself is identical in either case.
very good!
Another Question:
I would like to Import Price Lists of different manufacturers. Only a few of these numbers will be in the Warehouse. But we need to have them as we can sell and order them from our supplier. Possible?
These price lists will be updates regularly. Also possible to update this?
It is possible to import XML or Excel Delivery notes and Invoices from our suppliers?
Do you have the details for the transaction in a data format as well?
If so, you may be able to use the REST API to import it if you’re using Cloud/Server Edition. Consider discussing the matter further with a local programmer if you wish to pursue it.