please add checkbook as a method of payments by bank
to enable us to track or checks by serial number
please add checkbook as a method of payments by bank
to enable us to track or checks by serial number
Please search the Guides and the Forum for cheque, and for credit card.
@Joe91 if anyone using auto reference(of four digit) for their payment, once they entered their cheque number (six or eight digit) as the reference of that payment, then the next auto number will be the cheque number +1. Isn’t it become an issue then?
You can not use auto reference AND enter cheque numbers - it’s one or the other
Not sure why you would use auto reference number on bank payments
You could always use a custom field to hold the cheque number. if you need both
Thank you @Joe91
its true.
there are no separate payment option for bank and cash. all payments have same reference number field.
Yes that’s how I’m using it now.
No. Suppose your check numbers begin with 100000 (6 digits). Enter that, and the next auto-sequenced number will be 100001. The number of digits is irrelevant. Automatic numbering finds the highest existing reference number and adds 1.
Yes @Tut You are 100% correct.
this is where my worries too. If I use the cheque number 100000 when I issue the check. While the auto reference is on, the consequent payment’s reference will be 100001, 100002, 100003, … so on.
When I issue the cheque no:100002, the reference is already used for some other payment (cash/bank transfer etc.)
If a number is already used, it is because you used it. Manager’s auto-numbering will not duplicate any existing number, but will start with the highest one. This is not a flaw.
You will have to use custom fields to contain this information. Putting it in your Reference field will not give the result you want. Reference is supposedly the number to which tagged to that transaction. It cannot contain the cheque #.
Well, both the Guide Record a receipt and Record a payment suggest otherwise:
If you are going to use the reference field to hold the cheque number, then it cannot be used as an automatic referencing feature - the two uses are incompatible with each other
Yes, but for me, it’s not the best approach.
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It can be done using the reference field.
If your cheque numbers are six digits then start the auto reference numbering with a seven digit number. e.g. 1000001
Then when entering a cheque you will manually enter the six digit cheque number which will not interfere with the auto referencing numbers.
Very clever, @AJD. I hadn’t thought of that.
I have done the same before. But I have encountered some minor issue.
This will work perfectly and would not affect your auto-reference. However, when i started looking for the cheques, it was a bit of a challenge. So I implemented drop-down custom field for mode of payment. Cash, Bank Transfer, Check etc.
We believe that reference field should be a unique number for the transaction which shall have the same structure/format. Yes, cheque number is a unique number, but this refers to the cheque and not transaction. We wanted also the check register. Which is why, we did away with this kind system and let the reference field be automatic and added new custom field to hold the cheque numbers.
With the above, we were able to filter all payments/receipts via checks without having different structures of reference number.
Anyhow, this is how we do it and we’re sharing to @livirano possible way of doing it as the system doesn’t have (yet) what he is looking for. It’s not applicable to everyone.
Why would that be? The cheques (British english) or checks (American english) in this example would have a six digit number while the auto-numbered ones would have 7 or more. So they would easily stand-out as different, in this case as cheques/checks and therefore no need for custom field.
A cheque/check was the first numbered bank transaction and as such no different from other reference numbers. The use of cheques/checks was in practice before paper-money existed and therefore a bank account is often referred to as a checking/chequing account. For your information “…British banker Lawrence Childs. was the first one in the 18th Century who printed checks with serial numbers for record-keeping and the ability to “check” them…”
Difficulty on looking for all cheques. Thus we used dropdown to mark it is a check, and just search/advance search “Check” and it would show all checks issued.