I need to eliminate a single word on my sales invoices. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to do this.
What are you trying to eliminate?
The old business name
Have you tried going to Settings > Business Details and editing the name there.
Yes, that worked. thx!
Additional information about business names can be found in this Guide: Manager Cloud.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Preventing changes to prior transactions when business details change
How to change the Tax Invoice to VAT Invoice?
In jurisdictions where a different title is known to be required by law, the developer’s policy is to incorporate the legally required title into the in-built tax code. Do you have a link to official documentation of a requirement for the title VAT Invoice in your jurisdiction?
If not, and you still want to change the title, see this Guide: Manager Cloud
OK and thx.
Thx all for the help. Brought up some things I hadn’t thought about.