Cash Flow Statement


Do you have any plans to implement Cash Flow Statement? Would be useful, saves time.

There is a cash flow statement in reports.

I saw a Cash Account Summary Report, but I couldn’t find a Cash Flow Statement

There isn’t one currently. There used to be a Cash Flow Summary that was similar to most cash flow statements, but not identical. People complained. Meanwhile, there was no report covering cash accounts. So the present Cash Account Summary replaced the old Cash Flow Summary.

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@lubos can you add Cash Flow Statement report according IFRS / IAS 7?!

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To ensure a Cash Flow Statement complies with IFRS requires an understanding of the accounting standard and the correct classification of payments and receipts between operating, investing and financing activities. Preparing the statement is probably best done manually by exporting the Cash Account Summary to a spreadsheet and tailoring it to your requirements.

True about the classification. But since it’s done by every advanced accounting software I don’t see why Manager cannot provide it and we should do by hand each time.

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Dear Tut,

Really its required the Cash flow in the reports section to help management to review and analysis of the cash flow movement from the operational, Financial and Investment activity.

it will be grate if you will consider this request.

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I support this. Give the fact that the indirect method basically it’s just a reclassification of the General Ledger Summary I don’t see it very difficult.

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That is not for me to decide. I’m a forum moderator, not the developer. But the developer is the one who put this topic into the ideas category. That means he plans to implement it.

hi @lubos

We also need this to file to tax authorities on an annual basis. It would be great if this would be included under Reports.

Do you have an idea when it will be implemented?


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I support this or, at least, the possibility to have custom fields in chart of accounts in order to have the “flags” to automate the reclassification in Excel.


So your idea is to allow custom fields on the chart of account. A drop down list would probably be most appropriate in this case.

Once in place a user could then produce and share a “Localisation” to enable

  • A chart of accounts custom field to enable classification of each of a businesses Accounts
  • A report transformation to produce an IAS-7 type report (or any other standard desired)

Other users could then import the localisation, classify their chart of account, then use the imported report.

Yes. A report called, indirect cash flow “by custom field” which are in the chart of accounts. Very easy and flexible…

Manager helps everyone, even the layman. Thus, I think a generatable report under reports is the best way :smiley:

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A “Standard” report can only be generated if data is classified as specified in the heading defined in the “Standard” report.

To do so the “layman” must understand those definitions or delegate the data entry / report generation to someone who does.

In addition Manager offers flexibility to define the summary page / chart of accounts in a manner relevant to each business. If you really want Manger to provide a “Standard” report for everyone, then every one would have to be forced to use that reports classification. A step backwards in my opinion.

Having said that, importing and using a shared report “Localisation” would be much easier than generating it manually, so may achieve “layman’s” access.

Correct, therefore the standard report, being the IFRS defined report, would be generated via associating a standard cash flow report code to a user’s flexible COA.

As an example, a COA accounts receivable account could have the cash flow report code “AR” associated, and then depending on the mathematics based on the reports date parameters it would be reflect as either Increase or Decrease in Receivables in the cash flow report.

Or any operating expense COA would be associated the cash flow report code “EX”

True, and this doesn’t change. When the user creates their flexible COA, they just link the relevant standard cash flow report code to that COA, so that it becomes included in the cash flow report at the correct location.

True, but as the IFRS is a standard set format, then it’s only a matter of associating the reports classifications to the user’s COA.

But noting - that any Manger generated Cash Flow Report would only be a draft - possibly 90% correct as some cash flow report classifications such as “income taxes paid” may not have a directly related COA.

It is also important to remember IFRS are not used everywhere.

(1) Why is it important to remember that IFRS is not used everywhere? Another red herring (put down) by @Tut. (2) Cash Flow Statements and IFRS are intrinsically linked.

(1) IFRS is a universal reporting standard either voluntary adopted or legally required by businesses, it is not location specific. Therefore, @Tut, where (as in everywhere) is the IFRS not used ?

(2) Furthermore, this topic is specifically about Cash Flow Statements, as noted by @gxtsoft, a report according to IFRS / IAS 7. It is not about some non-descript generalization of IFRS.

Because you wrote, “… therefore the standard report, being the IFRS defined report….” The IFRS-defined report is not used everywhere in the world, only in about 120 jurisdictions of the 200+ sovereign states. (Technically, IFRS are not even used in Australia, although Australian standards are almost word-for-word identical.)

A standard report matching the IFRS definition would not meet everyone’s needs or expectations. Since this topic is about adding a cash flow statement, which is used everywhere that I know of in some form, it would be useful to consider the possibility of other needs. That was my point. Being able to define the structure of the statement would be very useful. Those following the IFRS could then define their statement to suit, as could others.

Only in locations where the IFRS are followed.

No, they are not, although the IASB would obviously like them to be. While things have been moving slowly in that direction, universal applicability is not a reality. And a large portion of the world’s economy is resistant to such change.

Most notably, the United States, still the world’s largest economy and home to a very large fraction of Manager’s user base. GAAP applies there. And there are about 80 other jurisdictions.