Cash and Cash equivalents account

When I enter receipts and payments, it is not adding or subtracting from bank Checking or money market accounts in the balance sheet, and it shows up as “cash and cash equivalents” instead. When I did chart of accounts, I didn’t ask for anything called “cash and cash equivalents” ? It just appears automatically How do I fix this and get rid of the “Cash and Cash Equivalents”?
I’m just starting to use this software and trying to set it up before entering too much.

You have to read the guides:

Guides | Manager

You haven’t asked a question that can be answered, so it is difficult to help you. You want to get rid of the “Cash and Cash Equivalents” and have what?

You also have to check your “Summary” page report date range, transactions will not reflect if the period is outside the report set date.

There are so many possible reasons.

I’ve tried to read the guides, and followed business setup best I can. The Summary page as well as Balance sheet both do not show changes in bank accounts with correct report date and only reflect receipt and payment transactions effects under “cash and cash equivalents” - not the back account balance? Does this have something to do with a need to change some kind of control account in chart of account setup? I’m confused!

Illustrations with screenshots would help

I don’t know how to do that

Cash & cash equivalents is the default control account for cash and bank accounts. Read the Guides about bank, cash, and control accounts.

If you want your bank accounts to show explicitly, create a custom control account for each and assign the bank accounts to them.

There are dozens of threads about this on the forum if you search.

Sorry but all software has learning curves. Maybe you forgot the effort you had to put into learning something like Microsoft Word or Excel. So you either commit and dig deep in the guides and try to make it work or just look for something else that gives the guidance that you seem lacking.

When reading your posts I almost would advise you to complete outsource your book-keeping and accounting to a professional, except that for reason only known to you you got an interest in doing things yourself and use Manager. Manager can do all bookkeeping and accounting you need but you must invest in learning it. It is not simple!

The choice is yours! Invest in learning Manager or contract someone to do your accounting for you.

Thanks for that. I setup each bank account as control account, and they work as to transactions, but balance sheet still lumps all totals into “Cash and Cash equivalents”. It shows each bank account underneath that but no balances shown?

I must have done something wrong?
Can someone give me step by step instructions? Only thread I find about this specifically was done 10/2016 and that didn’t work either. The Guide isn’t much help as to specifics for this (that I can find). Anyone have a link/page to help?

Please show screenshots of your control accounts and your bank-account edit screens each assigned to their own control account.

Hey, That helped! I went back to look at each account via edit and realized the control account was still designated as “Cash and cash equivalents” in each. I changed each to same as account named and now they show up correctly in balance sheet.

I have the same problem. My setup is one customized for a client reporting to the federal government.
They want a bunch of weird groupings outside of “cash and cash equivalents”. Ed - if you could give me an example I might be able to create the solution for my client.

If you have the same issue, you should follow the same advice. Read the Guide about custom control accounts. (Navigate to the original Guides for now, as new Guides are a work in progress.)

Yes I have tried for several days actually - nearly 65 hours total so far.
I can provide screenshots if it would help.

They must maintain a group of accounts with specified balances.
They are actually bank accounts with deposits and withdrawals.
Grouping is “Restricted Deposits and Funded Reserves” and accounts named like the following
– Reserve For Replacements (budgeted money for repairs)
– Reserve For Vacancy (budgeted money for unoccupied units to maintain same budget monthly)
– Restricted Deposits For Security

But I have not found a way to create them so I can use them on RECEIPTS - Received in – drop down
and have them visible on SUMMARY or REPORTS → Balance Sheet.

Three simple steps:

  1. Create all the different bank accounts.
  2. Create identically named custom control accounts.
  3. Edit the bank accounts to assign them to their respective control accounts.
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And to add at @Tut

  1. Go to Settings - Chart of Accounts
  2. Create a new group under assest balance sheet and move all the bank control accounts under it.
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I would strongly recommend doing what @eko suggests, but that is actually optional. What it will do is give you a convenient summary of all your various bank account balances. If you stop at my step #3, you will have all the visibility you specifically said you wanted, but you would have to manually sum up the various bank balances to have a unified picture of your cash position. (That is why all bank and cash accounts fall under the Cash & cash equivalents control account by default.)

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