Cannot add second business, startup screen is empty

My startup screen looks like this (and has always looked like this since installing):

I have managed to add one business, but there is no way to add a new second business.

Have read the previous forum posts, so I have enabled javascipt, reset my internet security settings to default levels and did a clean reinstall of Unfortunately all to no avail, on startup I still do not get to see the top bar with business, users, preferences etc.

I am using the desktop version and windows 10 pro. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Much appreciated, thanks.

This is how its supposed to be now. The top bar with businesses, preferences, users etc has been removed.

Read this post - [17.4.0] Phasing out "Application Data" folder in desktop edition to understand how it now works

You click on the NEW button to add a new business.

That top bar is no longer a part of Manager after edition 17.4.0

Thanks guys! Got confused by the old forum posts, but have managed to add a second business now!