Can we use this software for manufacturing business module

this is asif from Karachi Pakistan i have a little manufacturing business .i made finish product with the combination of 7 different raw materials most of raw material i have to buy from different buyers also i purchase some services from 3 services provider to complete my product…my question is how i manage my business thru manager software.also i am an engineer so dont have enough expertise about accounting.


Read the Guide: Use production orders to manufacture inventory items | Manager. By itself, that Guide will not tell you everything you need to know to use Manager for your accounting. Read the other Guides to learn about other features of the program. If you know nothing about accounting, you will probably not be successful using Manager until you learn about accounting. As in production, you cannot use a tool until you know what it is supposed to do. You might start here:

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dear thanks for reply and ref .it look like you solved my problems