Without any warning (or pop-ups), the Manager is issuing discounts to the customers by reducing their invoices by auto-linking to unrelated (previous payments) that have nothing to do with the current invoice.
Can receipts automatically link with invoices stopped until accounts are reconciled? Thank You.
Please show screenshot of what you mean. I can only guess that you mean that Manager automatically assigns a receipt to a Sales Invoice see screenshot (not payment, you make payments to suppliers!) and in this case have a backlog of unpaid Sales invoices that the receipts will first close as paid.
Just simply assign the Invoice you want to the receipt as per screenshot example below.
Hi Eko, Thanks for the quick reply. If I choose not to link any previous payments to the current invoice - how do I stop Manager from linking it without any warning?
If you issue invoices you must record receipts against them. Maybe your business is paid instantly then you should not use Invoices but Receipts only. An Invoice typically records the sales or purchase at the moment of issuance but they need to be cleared through receipts and payments.
the reason is I have not received any payments for the current invoice.
Where you say, can this be set to “Manual” you can see it is a dropdown box from which you can select any unpaid invoice.
I give a number of days of credit to my customers. There is no instant payments in my business.
Then I do not understand your issue. Maybe someone overpaid a previous Invoice and it is normal that this either gets refunded, or credited, or as in this case automatically assigned to a new invoice.
Can you please post a screen shot? Thank you
Good then using Sales invoices and recording against them when due is the correct way. You report a mistake by Manager which it does not as explained.
My issue is Manager is automatically attaching receipts to the invoices.It not the Manager who should decide which payment goes with which invoice it is the business operator’s job and time of choosing. I get paid multiple invoices in one payment. This takes a lot of time to resolve. Until I resolve those I do not want the Manager to change my new unpaid invoices. Hope I’m explaining the issue clearly.
This is a design error. How can the Manager link a receipt that was received some time ago to an invoice that was raised today? What are the criteria that the Manager uses to link a receipt to an invoice?
May be by setting a flag for “Profoma Invoice” can stop fresh invoices in correctly treated as paid invoices?
Receipts with automatic allocation are allocated to oldest invoice first. Like FIFO.
Clearly, FIFO method has it’s short comings as I have pointed out. This should be re-visited by the developers.
I am not getting your issue. If you dont like automatic allocation you can allocate it manually. I dont see any issue in current setup.
Let me explain. If I raise a proforma invoice today The total of the invoice gets automatically reduced by auto-linking receipt sometimes even to zero. Meaning the customer does not have to pay a penny to buy my product according to the Manager. This will send me broke in no time- by giving away my products for nothing. I hope you can see the problem now.
Can I choose not to allocate any receipt to the invoice? What I can see is either I must use “Automatic” or choose a receipt. what if I have not received money for this invoice yet? what do I do then?
If you receive payment from customer. Is this for previous invoice? or Advance payment?
If this is for previous invoice then link this receipt to the invoices to which this payment was made.
I have not received any payment for the invoice. That is the whole point.
As I mentioned before, I give credit to the customers and I put “Due date” in the invoice, there is no connection between my fresh invoice and the previous receipts. But the Manager “thinks” there is a link. That’s the problem. I want the Manager to stop " thinking" for me. I can manually link receipts and payments when I have time to do so.