Supplier Credit and Customer Credits

Can we hold the advance received and paid, being held as advance and debit it against particular invoices.

Now , it takes an auto adjustment against available balances.

Is there a way to do that.

that is disable this auto adjustment

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You can issue invoice with future issue date and then allocate the payment against this future invoice.

This will make Manager to hold that amount under Customer credits until issue date.

Where do we see ‘Customer credits’ ? Don’t see in Summary or do i need to manually add as Expense Account ?

Both Customer credits and Supplier credits were removed recently without any announcement. So many forum topics and guides are now misleading. Transactions that might have posted to those accounts in the past are now just part of Accounts receivable and Accounts payable. Financially speaking, things are equivalent, but it makes overpayments, refunds, and advances much harder to see.

What is your specific application or use? I may be able to help.

Hi! how to add supplier credits available received from customer due to adjustment.

Thank you.

You need to provide better detail, as “add Supplier Credits” & “received from Customer” can’t be matched up.

I didn’t get it what you mean. can you please specify.

Thank you.

@Brucanna means that supplier credits cannot possibly be associated with customers.

Whatever you actually mean, you should read these Guides before asking further questions. They will probably answer whatever questions you have:

Thanks noted,:slight_smile:

To receive a payment from a customer for multiple invoices you can either go to the last pending invoice and then remove the invoice number and change the amount to the amount received, you can aldo go to the the bank account and receive a payment from the specific customer. The problem is that non of these options give me a list of the invoice cancelled. Can I do it differently so that I get this information ?

This would be very poor accounting practice. Past transactions should only be edited when an actual mistake is discovered.

I don’t know what you a referring to by “a list of the invoice cancelled.” When you receive money from a customer, you are not cancelling an invoice. For information about how to receive money, read this Guide:

Ok. So I go and do a receipt for the amount and don’t select any particular invoice for that customer. What I need is to know the number of the invoices from that customer that were cancelled with this particular payment.

No sales invoice is ever cancelled by a receipt. They may be paid, but not cancelled. Click on the Sales Invoices tab and status of all issued sales invoices will be shown. You can do the same thing in the Customers tab by clicking on the blue figure for the number of invoices issued to a particular customer.

Only if it doesn’t matter to you what sales invoices are being paid - this way the oldest gets paid first, then the next oldest etc. until the payment has been fully allocated. However this method doesn’t work if the Customer skips paying a particular invoice

Yes, if you need to match the payment exactly to the Sales Invoices - then this way you need to receipt each invoice individually

PS: In some countries paying an invoice is referred to as being cancelled - in that it no longer needs to be actioned.

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Understood. Thank you Brucanna for your help very helpful.

Is there no way to separate how much you have that’s being paid in advance and how much is that you are owed for jobs you finished? I work in consulting and having customer credits and accounts receivable blended-in greatly affects my decision making and understanding of my cash flow. I’m having to open up an Excel sheet and separate them every time I want to see the numbers.

You need to give a specific example, @delimadlg. A customer’s Accounts receivable balance doesn’t affect your cash flow. It is only the net position of all amounts they owe you less any transactions for which you may owe them, such as a credit note. If you want to see what makes it up, click the blue balance in the Accounts Receivable column for that customer in the Customers tab.

Customer statements and the Aged Receivables report may also help you understand your position.

Yes, it doesn’t affect my cash flow, but gives me important information about how much money I’ve already made and have to collect, and how much money was given to me as an advance. Seeing them separately is important because it gives me valuable information. I guess I can click on the blue balance and separate them in an Excel spreadsheet but the purpose of using a software is minimising he amount of work.

As you might have guessed if you have read my Sept 2016 post in this topic, I actually agree with you now that you have explained yourself more completely.

I was just pointing out ways to get the information without using separate spreadsheets. Remember you sort the lists by clicking column headings.

The reason behind the change was to simplify procedures for entering customer receipts. All are now done the same way.

So how can I do to see accounts receivable and customer credits separately?