Can change bank download amount!

For some months now I have noticed small differences between actual bank a/c statement balances and Manager. I have now ‘discovered’ that when doing a edit of a downloaded item it is possible to change the total for that item. Most of my edits are to add additional lines of distribution since bank rules can only accomodate one line. Problem is, if there is an amount typo, or other problem, which changes the total for that transaction Manager happily records the new/incorrect amount without so much as a by-your-by. This is just wrong! The item by item amounts downloaded from the bank should never be allowed to change in the G/L (think fraud, embezzlement or wasted hours trying to reconcile). Either saving the edit should only be allowed once the total of the line items = the banks amount OR put the diff into suspence or something. Thanks

One of Manager’s design philosophies is to allow you to use the program in many different ways. Suppose there is an error by the bank. You download the statement, discover the error, call the bank, and the bank corrects things. Currently, you can edit the transaction and be done. With your proposed restrictions, you would need to delete the downloaded transaction, wait for the bank to update its records, download the statement again, and repeat all the verification checks you should have done on the first download.

The purpose of importing a bank statement is to reduce input time. The feature is a tool. All tools can be misused. Manager does not try to protect you from your own mistakes or fraud-minded employees. Besides, no statement should ever be blindly accepted, but should be verified against other aspects of your records.

I would be very supprised if any bank would correct a mistake by eliminating the offending error and processing a new one as if the first had never existed. If a bank could or would do that what would prevent them from doing the same with a legit transaction after the fact. The corrected bank statement will show the original incorrect transaction and the resulting correction. Mistakes happen and corrections are made but history should never be erased as if nothing had happened. Furthermore, the odd error by a bank, and the resulting additional work by the customer, does not justify your approach.

Valid points. But remember, the Bank Accounts tab might include accounts not maintained by traditional banks. The tab is meant for any account maintained by any type of outside institution rather than the business in the form of physical cash. And in some places around the world, stranger things that you describe can happen. I’m not saying that would be good practice, only that things happen and Manager is flexible.

The workaround is to enter the total in the Notes panel before editing in the extra lines, then you have a ready reckoner before clicking update.

In my last and final shot at this I would note that (1) I continue to maintain that if using an outside source for accounting transactions there should be agreement at the starting point even if that means more work later for the company. (2) I already use 'the-back-of-an-envelope" approach but was hoping to eliminate the extra work.

Perhaps an extra field or two to show the diff. between the downloaded amount and the edited amount would be a reasonable compromise. Then if the user wants to continue and save the edited amount they are more fully aware of what is happening.

Well it took a while (4 yrs actually) but better later than never!