I seem to have a bug in my Bank Accounts Balance situated under the heading Summary. When I click on the Balance outstanding to get the analysis of transactions in the Bank Account, previously processed inter-Account transfers wording appear twice. Transfer is from my Ordinary Savings Account to my Cheque Account.See below.Under Account Heading (Savings Account Ordinary) appears as Savings Account Ordinary-Savings Account Ordinary, So it now appears on two lines instead of one line… Even tried a Transfer today and it did the same thing
Please can you help me here to correct this problem. . All the other Transaction Details in the Bank Account seem to be correct. All Bank Account Reports seem to be correctly worded.
Thank You
What edition (desktop, server, or cloud)? What version number? Please post screen shots to illustrate. Also, what do you mean by “balance outstanding?” There is no such heading in the program.
I am using a Laptop running Windows 10 on which I have installed the Manager Software. When I click on the Bank Accounts sub heading under Summary. The Bank Balance come up in blue writing. I click on this Balance and a Statement pops uip on my Screen. Sorry, my terminology was all wrong here. Please can you assist me to post a Screen shot of my problem on this Forum.
Thank you
We need some more screen shots. Show the list of bank accounts in the Bank Accounts tab. Also show the Edit screen for one of the transfers showing the problem.
Your ordinary savings account was set up as a cash account rather than a bank account. You can convert it using the Convert button. See https://www.manager.io/guides/11727.
You seem to have a custom control account named ordinary savings account made up of cash accounts to which you have assigned your cash account named ordinary savings account. In other words, you have a control account containing itself that is also miscategorized. The repetition of the name you see is actually the name of the control account and the subsidiary account, both of which are unnecessary and incorrect.
Your savings account special is also set up incorrectly as a cash account. It may also be incorrectly set up as a subsidiary account to an unnecessary control account, but you have not shown information that resolves that question.
Hi Tut
I did what you suggested and all my Cash Accounts were all converted to Bank Accounts. The only proiblemwas that I had pending Balances against all the Transactions that had been automatically transferred to Bank Accounts. I had to go through each Transaction and make it cleared.for Deposits & Withdrawals on each new Bank Account… I managed to do that and it all Balances now. Thank you and others for all your assistance in this problem. I am learning all the time and you have a wonderful support system here. Keep up the good work.
Thank You