Dear Sir, I want to drew the attention of developer toward an important issue ie the figures of a group total are very dim, these should be bold, to be read easily.
If you see the screenshots below, we fine two sub groups description bold but figure dim, please make the figures also look like group ie bold and black.
Is there any plan or possibly to display some colors figures also??
And clickable too. Because you cannot click those figures when those groups are collpased.
They look different because they are different. Making them look the same would decrease the clariy of what is being shown.
The COA shows all transactions in an account collapsed and shown as a total. These account totals are shown as a blue link because you can drill down into that account to see that accountβs transactions.
The COA author can group accounts in a very flexible manner to create a range of sub totals and running totals for display purposes. These are calculated by arithmetic based on the account totals included. The created sub totals and running totals are not a total of an account total so there is no drill down to an account to display. Also when reading the COA and checking values, the COA author created totals duplicate the information in the accounts they summarise hence both can not be added when checking a grand total.
In summary they look different because they are different.
I support this idea because it would be consistent with showing totals of groupings in bold. I disagree with the idea by @shahabb that these also should be clickable. That would be inconsistent as we look for blue numbers to click on to drill down and a blue bold number to unfold a collapsed group would be confusing.
My suggestion is nothing more than what we already have under Reports. P&L and BS under reports gives you an option to click on the numbers of collapsed groups to drill down.
In reports it changes the group name to for example blue but the amount is in black bold print. For the summary page there should not be anything collapsable, it would not make sense, but for reports it does.
I would suggest that this is a design feature to reduce the length of the dashboard report, because normally reports do not show totals against group headings but have a bold total line below the group. I believe that this is intentional and why these totals are grey instead of bold.
This can be achieved with a small trick, as long as we can still inject JavaScript in many places.
I just donβt have any idea how to make groups display expand/collapse when clicked, because they are written at the same row level.
I really hope that this feature can be provided by the developer.
<div id="hiddenDiv" style="display: none;">
(function() {
const divElements = document.querySelectorAll('div.text-center.text-shadow.text-neutral-300');
divElements.forEach(div => {
div.setAttribute('style', '--tw-text-opacity: 1; color: rgb(180 132 199 / var(--tw-text-opacity)); text-align: center;');
const tdElements = document.querySelectorAll('\\\\:hover\\\\:hover\\:transition.text-neutral-300');
tdElements.forEach(td => {
td.classList.remove('observer:blur-sm', 'observer:hover:blur-none', 'observer:hover:transition', 'text-neutral-300');
const hiddenDiv = document.getElementById('hiddenDiv');
if (hiddenDiv) {
goto settings
- Chart of Accounts
edit Income
, and paste code after Name
Donβt use this method, if you are still using the Internal Pdf Generator to get report in pdf format. Because the script will be printed as text in your report
Script updated
This is how it is done.
@AJD I can get value binding from another forms, but i dont know how to change value to that forms and update changed value.
Please search the forum, this was suggested before and not implemented. The user-interface should not require lots of steps. For reports it makes sense but not for the actual data management.
@Mabaega, the summary page did not allow injections. You can search forum on this but think it is not supported.
I have show, how we can inject summary page.