Billable Time/Customer Database

I’m trying invoice a customer for Billable Time. When I search for his name in my customer database (Manager apparently handles this by “hiding” all customer names except his), I see no option to create an invoice for Billable Time. I have to manually click through half a dozen pages of my whole customer database to find his name, and that is when the option to create the invoice for Billable Time finally displays. Is there no shortcut for this?

Your trouble is not clear. Why would you want to create an invoice until you have identified the customer? The Uninvoiced column is always visible if there are any customers on a page with uninvoiced billable time or expenses. If your customer list is too long for a single page, a search for the customer’s name returns the summary of their situation, including any uninvoiced balance. There is never a reason to click through many pages of the customer list.

So exactly what shortcut are you looking for?

Now, it goes without saying that if you have not entered billable time first, you are not going to find an uninvoiced balance for that customer.