Better presentation of Billable Time on sales invoices


I’m using Manager version When using the Billable Time module to create invoices for billable hours, the invoices are created with Qty/Unit Price columns instead of Time Spent/Hourly Rate columns.

I’m following this guide to the letter, which should, according to the screenshots posted there, lead to an invoice with Time Spent/Hourly Rate columns.

Is anyone else having this problem in this version of Manager? Is there a version I could revert to that doesn’t have this issue?

You are correct that the current version does not automatically show Time Spent and Hourly Rate columns on sales invoices if only billable time is being invoiced. As per the guide, it was showing Time Spent and Unit Price which was still not ideal.

There is bigger issue though. For example, entering 1 hour and 20 minutes can’t be converted into decimal quantity because it would result in 1.333333… hours. Manager will round it to 1.33 hours which would create rounding discrepancy between what’s in billable time and what’s on invoice.

So I’m planning to solve this issue in near future, then I’ll see how invoice presentation can be improved.

@lubos Does this mean that billable time invoicing is broken for now?

You’re right that the guide specified Time Spent and Unit Price columns. Although that isn’t perfect, it’s much better than what is happening now, namely the Qty/Unit Price thing.

Personally, conversion into decimals isn’t a big issue, since in my case I’m only billing whole hours. However, I do need to make the invoices work if I’m to be able to use them.

The link Billable Time and Sales Invoices is working properly. There are a few edge-cases that need to be addressed. In your case if you bill by whole hours, this doesn’t affect you. As for column names on sales invoices, that is minor layout issue that will be improved.

Is there any way for me to adjust the column names manually?