Batch Update Accounts Section in Checking Account

Is there a way to batch update the accounts section for expenses or income when you create a checking account? I just imported a couple of years worth of transactions from my bank account and all of the transactions show the word “suspense”.

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Welcome to the forum @trimaniac,

You have two options:

  1. For transactions identifyable from the description, you can create and apply Bank rules. See these guides:
    Bank reconciliation - Post by rule
    Receipt rules
    Payment rules

  2. For manual identification, you can use Find & recode. See these guides:
    Find & recode receipts
    Find& recode payments

Hi Trimaniac, see my forum topic I posted a few days ago

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And you will see that we recommend the same as @Ealfardan in this topic. Just setup the bank and receipt rules (use a test business to see how they respond) and over time it will categorize the statement information to all the different accounts the rules indicate automatically.

I found this topic because I too, am looking for the ability to select multiple transactions then assign them all to an account without using bank rules (even though I am still using bank rules). I really wish I could do that right now! Kind of surprised that this isn’t possible.

@Ealfardan gave you also the information in earlier post about the manual option using find and recode.

Find and recode is okay, but you can’t sort any columns to filter out already categorized transactions. Or am I missing something? It would be very handy to be able to do it from the uncategorized transactions page

Not sure, but “Find” is the filter option in find and replace.

Yes, but say I’ve already categorized a number of zelle transactions, they show up on the find and recode window. The only way I can find the transactions that haven’t been categorized is by typing “zelle” in the find bar, there’s no way to sort the column to find all the uncategorized ones, they show up in chronological order. So the ones categorized using bank rules will show up with the uncategorized ones, when using find and recode