Batch creation of receipts from invoices

Here’s a workaround you could use, while Customer UUIDs still need to be used for batch-create operations:

  • For every one of your customers, enter their name (or another ID that consistently shows on your monthly csv) into the Manager Customer ‘Code’ field or into a "Custom Field’

  • In a spreadsheet, create a customer-ID table of all the previously entered IDs against their Manager UUIDs (Customer batch-update/copy-to-clipboard), save and backup the file

  • Compile a batch-create table, using Manager’s “Receipts & Payments” batch-update/copy-to-clipboard as a template

  • Use the customer-ID table you created to do a VLOOKUP operation on your monthly csv to allocate UUIDs to each payment in the batch-create table

  • The UUID goes in the “lines.Account” column, you might want to fill other columns as well but do not include a “Key” column)

  • Backup your Manager Business

  • Cross your fingers

  • Batch-create your Manager receipts by copy/pasting the table you compiled

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