Receipt against specific invoice

Hi, I’m a small business owner and I just started learning Manager. I have no accounting background. I can batch create sales order and the corresponding sales invoice without issue. However, I’m unsure how to enter receipt of payments from Customer.

  1. I get paid every 30 days in a batch containing hundreds of invoices.
  2. The Receipt section of Manager doesn’t have a selection for invoice when receiving payment.
  3. The Invoice - New Receipt function can do what I want but I don’t see a way batch create these individual receipts.
  4. I can batch create journal entry for each invoice, which will mark each invoice as “Paid in full” but the receipt section would be empty and my Bank section would have hundreds of entries.

How can I achieve:

  1. A single Bank entry for each payment and
  2. Have the amount paid to each invoice be shown

Typical payment remittance looks like:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Payment reference Date Type Amount
A001 8/6/2024 ACH 1000
INV0001 8/6/2024 Invoice 100
INV0002 8/6/2024 Invoice 500
INV0003 8/6/2024 Invoice 400

Go to reports “Customer Statements (unpaid invoices)”. Then select Copy to “New Receipt”.

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Hi, thank you for this reply. When I try it with about 5000 unpaid invoices, nothing happens.

Edit 2:

So I learned a few things:

  1. Batch receipt works as long as I format the data correctly: put multiple invoice payment as columns Lines.1.AccountsReceivableSalesInvoice through Lines.1000.AccountsReceivableSalesInvoice against the same AR account id like d148e95-bb28-4fe-67d3291b
  2. Deductions should be the same, but use the matching expense account Lines.#.Account id
  3. Don’t use Receipts for refunds, use Credit Notes instead
  4. My PC can’t handle more than 3000 lines of batch import, need to do it in chunks.
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I believe if you select one of the customers invoices and then select “New Reciept” you just edit the new receipt screen to delete the invoice number shown and enter the total amount received and it will automatically allocate the single payment to all invoices for that customer in order.
This works well but it will not pick up a missed invoice payment in amongst them all.