I’m having a problem getting the Bank Reconciliation report to recognize that it is reconciled.
The period in question is Jan 1 2017 - Jan 31 2017 which is the start of my usage of Manager (Desktop version). The first Manager entry on Jan 1 is the bank balance per the statement for that month. I entered the balance for Jan 31 2017 from the bank statement into the reconciliation report. That figure agrees with the balance shown in Manager on Jan 31, yet the report says it is not reconciled.
I’ve checked every individual transaction on the bank statement against what is in Manager and there are no discrepancies.
The screen that appears when I click the View button for the report shows only 1 transaction in the bottom section, the starting balance.
First, bank reconciliations are not for time periods, but for specific dates.
Second, why are you doing a reconciliation now for January 2017? Why not reconcile for the latest statement date? If you can reconcile for today, for example, you are reconciled, because reconciliation is cumulative from the beginning of the account. Unless you need a reconciliation statement from an earlier date to satisfy some management requirement, this is unnecessary effort.
Third, you say you entered a bank balance as a transaction on Jan 1. If there was already a bank balance when you started using Manager, that should have been set as a starting balance, not entered as a transaction.
Fourth, transactions that show in “the bottom section” of the reconciliation report, if I understand what you mean by that, are only pending deposits and withdrawals. Be sure all transactions that appear on the statement have been edited to show Cleared status and the clearing date per the statement.
Fifth, starting balances do not show on reconciliation reports, so what are you referring to when you mention the starting balance? Can you post a screen shot?
Since I posted, I found I could delete the reconciliation report. After doing that and creating a new one, it and all the others for each individual bank statement all reconciled successfully so I’m not sure what caused the original problem.
The initial balance was set when I created the bank account, not by manually entering a transaction. The report I referred to was not the usual reconciliation report you see when the reconciliation is successful. A completely different screen shows up when the reconciliation is not successful, at least it did for me. Now that everything is reconciling successfully, I cannot get to the screen I referred to so cannot add a screen shot…
There were some changes to the reconciliation process quite a while ago that caused existing reports to produce erroneous outputs. The solution, as you’ve discovered, is to simply delete the report and recreate it if necessary. The important thing to understand about any report in Manager is that you don’t actually store the completed report. You only store the parameters that define the report. Manager regenerates the report from the stored parameters every time you view it.
I understand what you mean about a different screen showing. If reconciliation does not work, Manager leads you through a process to identify the source of the problem. That process can be very frustrating, especially when several transactions are entered in a single day, because the order of transaction occurrence may not match the order in which Manager’s reconciliation process considers them. But it sounds like you’ve got things sorted out.