I have a bank account and a cash account. For the sake of this discussion I will denote them “Bank” and “Cash”, respectively.
On the main Summary page both display an incorrect balance. “Bank” is the sum of both “Bank” and “Cash”, while “Cash” displays no balance.
- “Bank” on the summary page displays 6.156,47 (Dutch number notation)
- “Cash” displays “-”
When I click on the “Bank” amount, it takes me to a page headed Summary > “Bank”, which has two entries:
“Bank”, with balance 6.101,52
“Cash”, with balance 54,95
It will be noted that the 6.156,47 on the main Summary page is exactly the sum of these two amounts.
If instead on the main Summary page I click on the “Cash” amount (which reads “-”), I see a page headed Summary > “Cash”, which is empty.
If I drill down one deeper and click on the “Bank” balance on the Summary > “Bank” page, I get all the transactions for “Bank” correctly, with end balance 6.101,52, which is as it should be.
If on the Summary > “Bank” page I click on the “Cash” balance, I get all transactions for that account correctly, ending with 54,95.
I believe this to be a bug.
Added: This was on my Mac. I also installed Manager on a (virtual) Windows machine, and the results were different, although still faulty.
The main Summary page now shows the same (incorrect) amount for “Bank”, but a different amount for “Cash”. It is not the current balance, though, but the opening balance of that account.
If I go to Summary > “Bank”, the result is the same as before. Summary > “Cash” gives only the starting balance transaction. If I drill down the result is the same as before.
Hope this helps.