Backup files

I am trying to backup my data but it says Invalid File format.

What can i do?

Screen capture just before then the actual error then post both on this forum please

Did you follow the backup instructions exactly as posted at Backup, restore, import, and transfer businesses | Manager ?

You also need to explain what says “invalid File format.” And tell us what operating system, Manager edition (desktop, server, or cloud), and version number.

Yes… my system formated and lost the older desktop version of Manager. I reinstalled and now the backup file is not restoring using the saved Backup file

My installed version of Manager is 16.1.9
Its a desktop version

I had created and saved the backup file on the 19th June 2022.

Due to formatting of my operating system, i lost the installed Manager program and i had to download and reinstall it.

Now when i am wanting to click on “Add Business” and chose the option “Import Backup”, and “Browse”… then select the backup file and “Import Backup”, It says “Inalid File Format”

Your old version was literally thousands of versions out of date. You will need to update in stages, first downloading an older version from the archive, which will convert your data format. Then you will be able to update to current version. See this topic:.

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Thanks a ton… i followed your advise and the older version accepted the files and now updated.
I have my backup restored.

Thanks again.

Hello all,

I have been trying to back up a database it show this below;

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (database or disk is full) —> SQLite.SQLiteException: database or disk is full at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Backup(String destinationDatabasePath, String databaseName) at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Backup.BackupAsync(String business, FormData formData) in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Businesses/Business/Backup.cs:line 162 — End of inner exception stack trace —

Please kindly help me out.


The error indicates either database or de disk is full. It is most likely that the disk that you try to save the backup to is full. So choose another disk.

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Hello Good Day,

Thanks for the earlier suggestion i change it as you said but its still showing the same error. please any other suggestion from the forum @Tut

Please illustrate with screenshots the steps you take and results of each step including the results.

i click on back up as usual which is below

This pops up

Your problem is different from the one that originated this topic. I would advise to create a new topic and name it:

Backup error disk full Manager Cloud Edition

Then copy the last post you made with the 2 screenshots in that topic. You could also include:
