Backup button not responding

Dear Sir

I am using desktop edition, I regularly update manager and I recently updated to version 22.1.25. I am using windows 8.1 pro. For the last few updates I am facing issues with backup and copy to function. These functions have stopped responding and nothing happens when I press the buttons. I am afraid that in case of any untoward situation I might lose all my data.

Request for help please.

Best Regards,

@Blackstone_Trading, please do not send private messages with general questions like this. I have moved your question to the public forum where you might get help.

Sure, Thanks. I am new on this so didn’t know how to send the question to public forum. Thanks again for the help, much appreciated.

I am not able to reproduce the problem @Blackstone_Trading

This is what it looks like.

Can you please show the businesses screen before selecting the business and show us a screenshot where the files are stored (shows on the bottom left side below he eye-icon.

Also, do you realize you have to click a Backup button twice? The first one presents the options for what to include with the backup. Then you have to click the button below the checkboxes.

Hi Eko, Thanks for help, Here are the two screen shots

Yes Tut, I have been taken backups, following the same procedure without a problem for the last six months or so, by pressing twice the “backup button” and giving the path to store the files.

So where are your past backup files stored?

I stored my previous backup files at a different location outside the PC (to be on the safer side).

So finally it is resolved, I upgraded to version 22.1.44 and backup works now. Must be a bug that is removed in the update. Thank you all who took time to answer and help.