Automatic References not Working with New Date Picker

I was using Form defaults to automatically generate reference numbers. It automatically gave reference numbers to new journal enteries and cloned journal enteries.

But in the updated version of manager, it is only working for new journal enteries. In cloned journal enteries it copies reference number from old Journal entry instead of generating a new one.

Same thing is happening for Inter-Account transfers tab ( And probably with every tab that uses updated calendar)

Yes, it does seem to happen everywhere the new date picker is being used, but not in cases like Sales Invoices where the old date picker is still in use. I have moved this topic to bugs. I also edited the subject to better reflect the problem.

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Also, please fix the automatic reference number in transfer between cash accounts, as when I make clone, the same previous reference number appears, automatic reference number is not active.

@aymnak, please do not divert topics with unrelated questions or problems. This one had nothing to do with payslips, which was the subject of the topic where you posted it.

Also, please search before posting. There was an existing bug report about your problem, and your post was moved here.

Ok,Thank you @Tut

Fixed in the latest version (21.3.72)

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