Automated Transaction No

How can we make automated Transaction No. to start our transactions with other than the system automated one which starts always with No. 1 and continue 2 3,3,4 ,…
If I want for example to start the sale invoices automated No. with Inv-00001 and then the number start counting from this start .
We want this for all our transactions to have customized automated transaction No .

please read the guides and search the forum before posting new topics. this has been discussed many times.

Dear ,
Before i sent you the topic i searched for such issue but didn’t see any replies or topics related . If you have just send me the link or tell me how it can be done .
Thanks .

Well, then it seems you didn’t use the correct words to search for. Here’s the Guide and here’s one of the forum posts that is closest to what you are looking for. Short answer: unfortunately the feature was removed for whatever unknown reason, and that’s a shame because most accounting software does allow using a prefix. Maybe @lubos could reintroduce this feature in the new year?