why there’s no auto numbering for purchases invoices and journal entries like sales invoices ?
Purchase Invoices takes the invoice number from the Suppliers Invoice.
Journal Entries don’t require numbering - especially as there should be so few of them required.
Even though purchase invoices are numbered already by the vendor, it useful to be able to count them automatically in our own books as well. There were talks of auto-numbering custom fields users could put in any voucher/transaction type they wanted. The last time i checked Manager doesn’t have any auto counter/numbering for payments/spend money, no auto numbering for receipts/receive money and no automatic counter for fund transfers.
I believe if sales invoice and others are having auto numbering feature that the user can optionally enter their own references, all other transactions must have same. Why this is good? Everyone goes home happy.
Sorry if I am wrong, but i think the number of purchase invoices saved are shown as a number on the console tab itself. So no additional counter necessary. Also, the vendors will be more than one and each have their own invoice number and even maybe with a prefix or suffix. Having the purchase invoice number matching the exact purchase invoice received is more practical.
Even though this is not a mandatory requirement for all, we can still know the number of transactions. It appears on the export button below every module.
Numbering is important to enable sorting Purchase invoices by sequence.
you can sort the purchase invoices by date in ascending or descending order while viewing them.
so when i try to make payment for a supplier, Manager asking for purchase invoice number , how i know the purchase invoice numbers i wanting it
i think the auto numbing we be so helpful .
The purchase invoice number would be on the Supplier’s Invoice which you are paying .
If Manager created an automatic purchase invoice number, how would you know which automatic created number relates to which suppliers invoice unless you recorded that automatic number on the suppliers invoice , but then, why have two reference numbers on the one document.
@sharpdrivetek i think you have won here.But auto numbering custom field would be very useful in more areas in Manager. For example in my company we want to automatically create reference numbers for Expense claims.
@lubos can we get the reference number of expense claims in auto mode?
Dear Develper
can you please consider the Auto numbering for Purchase Invoices. It is know that this referance no will be as the supplier invoice no, in most cases we need to follow OUR REFERANCE NO. for filling.
all the tabs now have Referance No. except Purchase Invoice and Payslib. it will be very much appreciated if we have this request also. regard Bank auto numbering it is already in the idea list.
everyone would follow his own referance no. rather than other easy to follow, to find, and to investgate
looking forward to have Auto Numbering for Puchase Invoice, Payslib and Bank