Yeah doesn’t look good. BUT it’s recoverable
There are a number of issues there, the least of which is the old Manager version. On the surface of it, you’re trying to open a newer version of the database in an older version of the app. So one of a number of things have happened, and my guess is you used the new version to open your current database, and maybe you decided to go back to the old version? However, when you opened it in the new version, the database was converted to the newer current schema and now the older Manager version can’t open it.
I have asked for a database schema version tool but it’s not going to happen. If you’re on ubuntu and running the desktop version and want to revert back to an old version of the app you are going to have to:
- remove everything under
(ensuring you have backups first)* - reinstall/deploy manager and open it (it should open now)
- import your database backup.
lubos has promised that one day we will be able to open multiple versions of manager at the same time**, currently that is not possible.
* TBH you only need to delete certain files, and it depends
** I’m not sure whether he means to have them actually running at the same time (I doubt that, but possible), I think it means you could open one version of manager and close it and open another. Either way, it’s not yet implemented.
But (after all that), it’s also possible you meant to open it using the newer version and you accidentally used the old version of manager from the search tool/desktop/however you open apps. If that’s the case, just make sure you’re using the correct AppImage.