After deleting customer, program jumps to Summary

After deleting a customer, the programme jumps to the Summary page.
It would be nice if the programme went to the Customer listing.

Actually, the page you jump to depends on how you navigated to the customer Edit screen. If you went through the Customers tab listing, it will jump back to that list, in other words, to the previous browser page. How did you get to the customer you deleted?

@Tut Having just gone through the same steps for deleting a customer as I had done earlier, I found that the program was now showing the correct page, i.e. the list of customers.
So, either I had a blackout or in the meantime an adjustment has taken place.
In any case, it works fine now, apologies for any inconvenience caused.

No apology is necessary. Sometimes it is easy to forget Manager is a browser. You probably didn’t have a blackout. You probably just got to the customer page a different way.