@lubos, I’ve been wondering if its possible to have additional column based on custom within from Receipt and Payment (Bank transaction) Custom Field for Bank Import? or do you plan to change it to batch import? similar to batch create?
What I’m doing right now I’m importing my data by copy pasted from bank customer portal, where I added dual reference one using auto numbering reference by manager system, another is abbreviation(to identify which bank) with sequential number) plus nature of transaction like payment salary, sales and what not.
the Auto Reference number was placed in “Reference” column, the additional abbreviation with sequence number, and nature of transaction (made the bank rules effective). I’ve insert the additional two type of data in description is tedious work (I need dual reference for audit as I’m differentiate between system reference and document reference) which I was suggested some of the topic to adopt that kind of system for audit trail feature.
Thus, I request that Other than “Date”, “Reference”, “Payee”, “Description” and “Amount”. Please add additional column make the bank rules effective in capturing the criterion.
If wondering why putting in description is not satisfactory is not because of inability to capture the criterion, is the process I’m doing to separate the data with description afterwards. So that, I can use column sort feature in listing.
Maybe one way to implement it by having manager to check both the imported bank statements column against the payment and receipt custom fields exact name. then start the process unless one of it does not match, it will abort and notify which column does not match in .csv file.