Reviving this idea after the latest updates is a necessary request. we are using batch “create and update” for transactions like purchase invoices, receipts, and payments. The latest update for “batch” made it unusable, at least for us. We can’t enter about 100 columns for one purchase invoice - if the invoice contains about 20 lines - which is a normal situation to have such an invoice.
Previously, we designed a spreadsheet to arrange such invoices and insert all its lines in one cell under the selected column. Well, we found some issues in some invoices to inserting its lines or items in the right way, but totally the feature was usable smoothly.
I think the last update was to improve this feature. Unlike what we were looking forward to, this update is a backward step, as we can’t use the feature at all now.
@lubos said here there are some improvements under progress.
We hope if the improvements are still in progress, to see the final result and how it works soon.
Good to have you back Ehab,
The columns have been reduced already, and there are multiple other improvements made as well:
- The columns for lines and custom fields are now combined in a single cell. This excludes Classic Custom Fields–see point 3
- Lines and custom fields are now displayed as nested tables with minimal number of columns
- Custom fields now can be created and updated using batch operation. This also means that Classic Custom Fields are soon to be deprecated.
- The batch operations now displays human readable values instead of UUIDs
Well, good points here, but for one simple 20 line invoice it became a disaster, for us we had 207 columns. it could be more or less depending on the classic custom fields.
From the 2nd line each one has 9 repeated columns. isn’t it more logical to expand in the rows instead of columns? the repeated heads should not be.
Maybe “starting the row with repeated UUID avoids all unnecessary columns”. I forgot where I read that while I was searching about our topic here.
Imagine one subcontractor has 10 invoices with 30 lines for each one, how much effort do we need in recording? 297 column for one invoice instead of a few steps we were doing before.
I’m using ver. is there any new update I can’t see.
Echoing Ehab’s concerns here. Have been using a custom programming interface to generate an Excel worksheet for investment account journal entries as the current state of the Investments tab does not provide sufficient functionality (FIFO gains calculation, unrealized gain/loss). The new “array” style of multiple lines makes this a difficult path for upgrade. So currently stuck at Manager until there is a better option for this.
Manager does not support FIFO
I know it doesn’t support FIFO and I am not asking it to. It is one of the reasons we have custom programming for loading JE’s.
I seem to have misunderstood the basic topic raised by Ibrahim. Nonetheless, the idea of reviving the discussion on this topic remains very relevant to what I personally struggle with using the batch feature.
Ibrahim was facing an issue while recheking the pre-final result of the entered data,
While we are currently facing a problem in preparing the data itself in the spreadsheets.
Indeed, the many columns issue in the screen of checking data before entering has been resolved and it looks much better, simpler and more clear. However, our issue is complicated with regard to the method of preparing this data, as we explained previously.
How you were filling out this spreadsheet? Manually by hand or was it generated by some process?
If you have custom code that is generating spreadsheet for Manager, can this custom code be adjusted to generate spreadsheet with new columns?
I’m going to set up a test environment on another machine to observe the behavior of the new format. The difficulty as I see it at the moment with my current understanding of the changes is the journal entries that are created out of the current custom program have variable numbers of line items. An example might be the first generated JE could be a two line DR/CR for an equity purchase of one security, which I would presume two columns. The next entry could be a sale of three securities (the entries are grouped by trade date), that would include three sales lines from the positions account, a summarized cash entry and short/long term gains which could be a total of 5 or 6 columns. Once the worksheet had been formatted for the first JE example, going back to add additional columns to the worksheet would be a whole new level of complexity. The idea of separate rows for entries would certainly make this an easier process. Will update here after I have had a chance to play with everything in the new test environment.
That is not how I would do it.
Instead I would have a parameter, or just set up the spread sheet for the maximum number of lines the spread sheet can handle.
Then each line then can just use the fields it needs (all less than or equal to the maximum for the spreadsheet).
Thanks for the input @Patch. Will be considering any options that can make reprogramming easier.
For example, all we need from the purchase invoice is:
1. Item number for each line.
2. Qty for each line.
3. Supplier’s TXN.
4. Date.
Then all the remaining steps are generated depending on UUIDS which is produced by Manager and recorded in the spreadsheet.
anything could be modified, our spreadsheet could, also the new batch create/update multi columns could be reduced and expansion be horizontal, not vertical.
@lubos, do you agree on the improvements, or can not be done for some reasons we do not know?
We need a specific answer that we can understand.
@lubos I am still here … I don’t understand and I cant proceed. I used to upload Payslip and payroll payment using an excel template. But now with this changes it needs a lot of columns to batch create employee payments, suppliers payments, sales and purchases invoices. Kindly assist me on how to manage this new changes.
Modify your spreadsheet to match the new format.
That is the part I am seeking assistance. How do I put it to bring those repeated columns.
Can I get assist in this?
The simplest way to see what the new format is, is to enter a test transaction with the number of lines you want, and then use Batch Update to exam the format
The Batch Create format is exactly the same with the key at the end, I believe
Any field that used to be in the form:
Lines.{{ fieldname }}
ORCustomsFields.{{ UUID }}
is now multiple columns labeled:
Lines.{{ i }}.{{ fieldname }}
ORCustomsFields.{{ i }}.{{ UUID }}
With i
being the line number.
Hi @Ealfardan
Would you please advise how to use these code to improve my excel template?
You can create a simple 2-line transaction and then use Batch Update > Copy to Clipboard to understand how the data is structured.
- Narrow your search just to this single test transaction in order to get the least number of columns to show.
- You can also rearrange the columns in your spreadsheet to make things easier to understand.