When I fill in my V.A.T report, there are about 40+ boxes, it is complicated.
At the moment I have added the Box numbers as “B31, B32 etc” in the tax code name, but this shows up in the invoices.
How can I add a custom field that does not show up in the invoices/receipts but shows up in the reports?
This way when I run a tax report, I can see all the taxes and the Boxes associated with them.
Thanks for the reply.
I have just tried it but the custom description shows in the tax code, which is fine, does not show up in the invoice, this is cool too but I cannot see it in the reports.
I see, it looks like I have to write a script, this is a lot harder than I thought.
It would have been brilliant to have a new custom field as “Show in reports”
Sorry I meant, a new option in the customer fields(a tick box) called “Show in Reports”. This way, the user would be able to set up a description of the tax code in that field and see this in his reports.
It would have been great to have such a feature.
I moved from Xero to Manager.io, look at how they did it in their software: https://central.xero.com/s/article/Default-tax-rates-UK
Each tax code you create has a description field, this field only shows in your reports.
I had to keep the same structure when moving from Xero(Price tag was too high) to manager.io, my problem is that the description fields had to be added in the custom field name of Manager.io(which shows all over my invoices/receipts. It does not look too nice.
As said you can disable the showing in invoices of custom fields. Custom fields will never show in the other reports since the new way to develop customized and localized reports is Transformation Reports.