Www.manager.io is down when acessing from eu / netherlands

About every quarter I check if there are updates to manager.io which could be of interest or importance to do an upgrade.

I currently cannot access the website from the Netherlands. Since hosting is on AWS if I am correct, I used a VPN to US and access AWS US region. There the site available.

Might be just me or there currently is a(n) (configuration) issue in the amazon hosting service.

You can always check from here

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Manager updates very often following Agile software development principles. It will also announce major changes on this forum with much more details. So better to regularly search this forum, especially for recent posts by @Lubos than depending on the manager,io website.

I can connect Manager.io website from anywhere including the Netherlands so bot sure what issue you are reporting.

Same issue for me; also from the Netherlands.
Looks like an issue with the https-certificate (?). Cannot view guides/manuals either.

You are both right. @Lubos please note that www.manager.io does not work from the Netherlands, and it seems to be a certificate issue. It shows the following (using VPN):

If you look at the details for the certificate it has

 Common Name *.eu-west-1.awsapprunner.com

So this is not actually a certificate issue but a configuration issue of some sort where the amazon web server does not present the www.manager.io website/web application for the IP where www.manager.io resolves to.

This can be a DNS issue or webserver/service configuration.

Do not think so but @Lubos has to fix this! It is related to the CDN he is using which also gave problems before for Asia and I think that he should reconsider the use if a CDN or at least use one that is more reliable as this is not ok.

Don’t know how I missed this. Yes - it’s true that SSL certificate is currently misconfigured in EU region. Fixing it now.


Thanks for your quick respons.
And I won’t hold it against you that you missed it; always gratefull for the work you put into Manager!

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Couldn’t access it from the UK yesterday either, but ok today