No Route to Host

I am getting an error message when trying to log on. It is saying there is “no route to host.” Is anyone else unable to access their account?

This makes me wonder, if everything is saved on the Cloud version, what would happen if the server was faulty and down? Would I lose everything?

You would lose nothing. The cloud servers are redundant and automatically backed up. If you cannot access your account and are positive your login credentials are correct, you are likely experiencing a local outage with your ISP.

Thank you, Tut, for the reply.
I don’t actually arrive at any login page in order to input my credentials. It just says there is a problem with the server and there is “no route to host.”

I put a message in to support, and then I came to the forum to see if anyone else was experiencing this. I feel better about not losing any of my data, but it still doesn’t feel good about not being able to access the server and my account.

I am troubleshooting my own internet, but I can go any place else I try. Just not my account on I land at the home page for when I try too.

Thanks again.

I did just get the solution from Support. The server had to be restarted, which sounded like a “jumpstart” of sorts.

Unfortunately, Amazon is currently experiencing major technical issues in US east region.

Some core services which Manager Cloud depends on are not operational. As a result, you’d need to manually restart cloud server at if unable to connect. This manually fixes the routing issue that should have happened automatically if it wouldn’t be for AWS outage.

This outage is affecting only Manager Cloud customers who are hosted in USA. Customers hosted in Europe, Middle-east, South Africa, Asia or Australia are unaffected by this outage.