What Data Base does manager.io sit on?

Hello @ Lubos and everyone. In my country, its now mandatory by our Tax Authority for everyone to be on E-Invoicing beginning today the 01st of October 2024. My company has engaged a programmer to try and integrate Manager.io via the Virtual sales data controller (VSDC) to the Tax Authority. But to achieve this the programmer is asking on what Data Base Manager.io sits on. Anyone with to help?

I see Manager uses SQlite database, but we can’t access it directly. Manager provides Api and Api2 to communicate with other applications. In addition, manager also provides relay that can be used to share transaction data to 3rd party applications.

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Thanks for the quick response @Mabaega. Is ok to work with you on this programme. Incase the programmer has some questions ; seeing what you have achieved with ZATCA?

It is actually not clear what SQLite functionality it uses internally, there maybe a proprietary component.

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Of course, If this is general and needed for tax authorities, I think you can open a new discussion for this project here.

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You are right, thanks again.