@lubos @Tut I would like to have the GST number of the counter party shown in the Tax Transactions Report., can you help?
The format of the Tax Transactions report cannot be changed. You see the recipients name, but no other business details. GSTINs are only one possible thing that might be included in the business identifier field; others might not be appropriate to show on such a report.
it would be very useful if the business identifier, in this case the GSTIN, is shown on the tax transactions report.
the business identifier is the reference to a company when filing tax returns, not the business name.
there can be more than one company with the same business name but no two companies will have the same business identifier.
the tax returns filed are recorded to a business identified by their business identifier.
i am not sure why this mandatory requirement is overlooked for so long.
also, the business identifier for a supplier too is mandatory since the tax returns are filed for both purchase and sales. and yet we do not have a field for business identifier under the Suppliers tab.
Yes, GSTIN of Customers as well as Suppliers need to be displayed in the Tax Transaction Report. Please work on it.
@lubos BUSSINESS IDENTIFIER is mandatory for filling gst returns , please release new feature in manager regarding this .
Many things are mandatory when filing taxes around the world. Very often, the necessary information is not contained directly in an a accounting system or it’s standard reports. Often, considerable work is necessary to prepare filings. Manager is not designed exclusively for India’s GST system.