Business identifier in Suppliers tab

Just wondering why, on ‘customer’ cards there is a space for ABN, ACN etc. however on Supplier cards there is not.

The reason is that businesses might be obligated to mention business identifier on sales invoices. You don’t have to mention supplier identifier anywhere. It’s just for your personal needs.

If you require these fields on supplier side, then use Custom Fields under Settings.


Hi Lubos

Thank you for your advice on how to get this info on the card.

There is a need to have this the ABN for suppliers if you have to report to the ATO for Contractors Payments report if you are in the Building and Construction Industry or associated services . It may be rolled out to other industries in the future if the ATO want to do that , but have not done so for the last 3 years when it was first introduced. I thought I would mention it as you may think it worth making a filed available like for Customers, if not your suggestion does the job adequately. Thanks

Just to clarify. Is this reporting requirement about what you’ve been invoiced by contractors or how much you actually paid them?

Hi Lubos

The current requirements are
Payee Name ( contractor)
ABN ( if have one quotes on their invoices)
Phone Number
Business name
Individuals name ( if that is what is shown on Invoices from them)
Full Address of Payee
Total Tax withheld if no ABN quoted, Total GST, Gross amount paid
(including GST plus any tax withheld)

This information is required for each contractor you have paid during the year.
I only mentioned it above because of the ABN part of the reporting that is part of the form and needs to be reported to the ATO provides if you have a need to report .

Not sure if this helps but here is a link to sample of the form.

thank you for your interest

OK, this is something I will be looking into. In the meantime, you can use Tax Transactions report to get a list of all GST paid and GST received across all customers and suppliers.

Make sure to generate this report on cash-basis so you only see GST actually paid (or received).

Sorry slow reply , I missed your response . Thanks lubos, any help and information will be beneficial to all who need this information. Fantastic software and even better support.

Hi Guys!
Firstly GREAT Software…!! Been using it… it’s AWESOME…

Secondly, and to get to the point… Business identifier in Suppliers tab…
You mention use a custom field… got it…

but wont it be a good idea to include it in Suppliers as a permanent feature… All businesses Customers/Suppliers are required by law (in UAE) to have a TRN (Tax Registration Number)…
We will use this eventually for filing returns (by city or emirate) and will need reports with Tax Paid/Rcvd by Supplier/Customer by City/State…

Thanks in advance


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Non-essential fields were recently removed as standard form elements. They are now custom fields. Read the Guide about custom fields. Supplier identification numbers are not essential. Many countries don’t have them, and the program does not use them.

i am sorry but i completely disagree with this.
every customer is a supplier to someone else unless the customer is an end consumer.
if a supplier does not have a business identifier, how can any business claim their tax returns for their purchase. claiming a tax return by any customer is not possible unless the supplier files his sales tax return. and this is possible only with their unique business identifier.

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Some tax schemes do not include claiming of input taxes, so supplier IDs are neither necessary nor used.

All tax schemes, regardless of the mechanics (claimable input taxes, sales tax or withholding tax) require the business participants to be registered, so they have a business identifier of some description. Without that registration they aren’t authorised to partake in the tax scheme.

Increasingly, with the exception of “dead end” sales taxes, some tax authorities are moving towards formal reporting via transactions rather then gross values. Therefore the programme will have to start using them as what is a custom field today could be mandatory tomorrow - UAE may be the leading case, if India hasn’t already gone there.

@Tut @Brucanna

an invoice or bill of supply in India is valid only when the document carries a valid supplier registration number (previously this was called VAT number, after GST implementation recently it is called GSTIN).
so this has been mandatory in India for as long as i can remember. the only reason Indian users do not stress about the same on the forum is because Manager does not provide any suitable tax reporting solution accepted by the GST portal.
but i had asked for the business identifier to show on the Tax Transactions report in another topic and if it did, then this would be the only report a user would have to provide to their Auditor for monthly tax returns filing. but unfortunately it was another suggestion lost in time. the only solution we have now is to send a copy of all the sales and purchase invoice.


Absolutely, the current situation is that we are reporting both the gross amount and reporting individual transactions which are made to other registered taxpayers. So the Business Identifier is definitely a mandatory requirement.

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custom field only shown and printed on bottom part of the page.
is it posible to print it nearby invoice date or reference number.

You can move it anywhere you want with a custom theme.

so need to work on custom theme.

@manishkumarshivam have a look at my tutorial Quotation format & fields - #32 by lubos

It explains how to position custom field elsewhere on custom theme.

with custom theme yes its posible. true @lubos but i guess many here are normal user who cant do so.
its no doubt what u doing is incredible. but if customer info has business identifier then why supplier info lacks of it. just a suggestion so that many of ur users can benefit from it. really thanks to u

I agree with you but Business identifier is very old field. Added long time ago, prior to custom fields being added. It’s possible this field will be converted to custom field in future versions anyway.