For us this change does not make any sense, we relied on it to see how many days customers are overdue. Now we just see if an invoice is paid or unpaid, not how many days it is overdue, unless we open the invoice and check. Why changing something just for the sake of “simplicity”? For us it makes things more complicated.
And you didn’t see/read the pinned post?
I have seen it, but I have no idea what i should do that I can see the days overdue again?
Am not a software guy, all I know is it was there now it isn’t anymore and nobody asked us if we want that change. We will learn to live with it, if we have to but for now i can’t see how we can get that view back by doing anything in the Custom Fields section.
You don’t have to be a software guy
to click on Edit Columns. And just take your time to read the pinned post as it is clearly indicated what to do:
@Christoph_Lindinger, here is the checkbox @Mark referred to:
You now get that information in a separate column instead of within the status box:
Thanks for the screenshot! Sorry for my stupidity, but I can’t seem to find these checkboxes. We are using the Cloud Version and I can’t seem to find the Edit Columns button.
Maybe when introducing something new, a different color would make sense for some time @Mark
It is at the bottom of the screen when clicking Invoices tab, together with batch create, batch update, etc. It is well explained in the referenced link @Mark provided.
I tried to go through Mark´s post but it wasn’t too well explained. Am sure it’s all there but am running a business and maybe my mind wasn’t 100% there. I still think if a new feature is introduced, change the colour of the new tab for some time and add a small arrow or something.
Thanks a lot for your patience, i finally found it!
It is not our standard practice to check the forum before using Manager each day. When I did come here this post caught my eye as it directly stated the problem. And the settings should have stayed the same as we had them.
@Mike13 I also only came here because my staff told me that this problem exists and i also could not find the solution easily, so i came here to ask. Cloud Software should be self-explanatory to people who have been using it for years and paying good money for it. The new way might be better, but for the ones of us who are here in the Forum talking about it, there are countless of users who still have no clue why it changed and how to fix it.
Although I agree the placement isn’t what most people would expect, most people are familiar with the three dots or cog next to the column headers – in fact, initially the developer have experimented with a cog symbol next to column headers.
Anyways, they all achieve the same effect and it’s an improvement as you said.
I will close this topic since it’s been solved but @Christoph_Lindinger, feel free to create a new topic for this if you wish.