Uninvoiced column


I don’t know if this is new behaviour or old, but just today realised that if I have some Uninvoiced billable time on a costumer that only show in second page view, the Uninvoiced column doesn’t show in the first page view, I have to click on page 2 to see if some uninvoiced was forgotten…

The Uninvoiced column is shown against a customer in the Customers tab.
what exactly do you mean by the column not showing in the first page?
can you post screenshots?

I have two page costumer list, if the costumer(with Uninvoiced time) is on page two and I’m viewing page 1, I have no Uninvoiced column on page one, just on 2.

ok now i understand. the customer list is sorted alphabetically for the ease of the user.
but when it comes to uninvoiced items maybe the importance should be shifted to sorting these customers first in the list.
by the way what version of Manager are you running?

i think @lubos can make some improvements to this behavior just like the overpaid invoices appear first on the sales invoices list.

last one