Total amount in words missing

I am using Cloud and Windows,
Total amount in words missing in Receipt and payment module.
how can i get that?

Not missing - it was never there in the first place, as far as I am aware.

It is only available on Sale Invoices and, even then, only if the language is English

Hi Joe91,
Receipt and Payment voucher required amount in total, why it is not available, any idea?

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No one here can answer that question.

I do not remember ever having seen a request for this.

It would seem unlikely to happen

I have raised this query once I didn’t find the same while preparing sales quotes.
For this Mr. Tut replied the same what Mr.Joe91 said.
I wish to have total amount in words in all the forms where it shows total amount in numerals. It is an essential requirement. I don’t understand why such great application is missing this feature.

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I believe there are two reasons:

  • Including the amount in words is actually not a very common practice around the world. Certainly it is not universal.
  • The feature only works in English, because the software returns the result in English. And Manager is translated into 65 other languages, all of which would be left out.

Hi Tut,
if so, why you are not thinking it can be optional. TICK can be use if any one want to use like me.