The system is too slow

is anyone know why the online system is very slow?

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I assume that you are using the Cloud Edition of manager.

  1. I would first check your connection.
  2. I would try restarting your modem/router.
  3. If all of those don’t fix the problem or if the issue is only with manager and not any other websites: I would assume that they are having a lot of traffic and or conducting repairs/updates/upgrades.

I am not able to recreate your issue due to not having the Cloud Edition .

If you are using the Server Edition and not Cloud then it is a issue with your servers and not managers servers.

As @Manager_User already inidicated tis is most likely a bandwith issue and often stems from your own internet connection. Check with tools like Ookla speedtest or the download and upload speeds of your internet provider. If seeming ok post screenshots here.

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