Tax value differences

Hi all,

I have 16% VAT set on Tax code.

Generating a sales quote QTY 80, Unit Price 390 gives Amount 31,200; Leaving the “Amounts are tax inclusive” unchecked, Manager IO calculates total taxes to be 4,992. (16% VAT)

However, generating a sales quote QTY 80, Unit Price 390 gives Amount 31,200; with the “Amounts are tax inclusive” checked, Manager IO calculates total taxes to be 4,303.45. (13.79%)

This error needs a fix

It’s not an error. You are seeing the difference between tax-exclusive and tax-inclusive pricing. Read this Guide: Choose between tax-exclusive and tax-inclusive prices | Manager.

Also, please do not divert topics with unrelated questions. You are less likely to obtain answers. I have moved your question to a new topic.

Further, please search the forum before starting new topics. This has been discussed many times.