I have just de registetered for GST in Australia and want to know if I should tick tax inclusive or exclusive on the invoice or receipt for expenses? Do I need to show the GST component seperately when entering the payment for expenses or can I just show the total amount on their receipt?
Sorry if this has been asked before but I was unable to find an answer.
Thanks and I hope my question makes sense.
Nether, just don’t select any tax code.
Yes, just show the total amount.
Thankyou for your help. Cheers
You should follow instructions from the ATO on completing your last GST activity statement.
-Completing your last GST activity statement | Australian Taxation Office
Hi Tony, I have completed my last activity statement as per requirements, my question was referring to my tax invoices for clients with no GST charged.
@Janine, if you have deregistered for GST, you can no longer issue a document titled “Tax Invoice”, you just issue “Invoice”.
Now for your situation, you can’t amend Settings > Tax Codes so the heading Tax Invoice will continue to appear. So you need to go to Settings > Form Defaults > Sales Invoices and at the bottom tick Custom Title and just enter the title - Invoice.
Or you could create a new Manager business, starting from your deregistered date so there are no past tax code transaction ramifications on future transactions.
Thank you Brucanna, I appreciate your help. Cheers
Hi Janine, I had noticed your queries were answered by other users. My link to the ATO reference on completing your last BAS was only provided in case it was helpful. At least you already know the requirements because you service clients. On several occasions, I have found clients disappointed to find out later they were required to make an increasing adjustment for assets retained after cancelling their GST registration.
Hi Tony, Thankyou I appreciate your reply. Thankfully all our accounts were finalised prior to me deregistering for GST so all should be good. Again, Thankyou for your help, this forum is fantastic and has helped me immeasurably. Cheers Janine