Tax Colunm

hello please how hide the column tax on invoice but i want calculate sales tax on the bottom of the invoice

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You cannot, because different line items might be subject to different tax codes. There are related discussions currently on the forum due to ongoing changes.

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I’m thinking when tax code is shown in sub-total and all line items are subject to the same tax code, then Tax column doesn’t have to be shown. By default, invoices should be as simple as possible.

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Only as an option. Some legislations requires all columns regardless if all are same tax, or even being 0 Tax or Tax Free item. Redundant but …. We don’t make laws :slight_smile:

@MarV if that’s the case, then you can check Show tax amounts on line items which will force visibility of the column.

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Yeah, and will make it default for invoices. Just playing around in test environment, waiting for when all this become final, translated, and theming ready, so to put on production.