Problem 1: Unassigned expense claim (no expense claim entries made) Problem 2: Payment not complete (Account code is selected) Problem 3: Capital contribution not properly allocated Problem 4: Unbalanced journal entry (no journal entries made) Problem 5: Fixed asset purchase invoice (no fixed asset purchase invoice entries made)
Note: with all Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Payments & Receipts entered correctly, both the AUD & USD banks reconcile perfectly
The 4 types of error in my Suspense Account are related to :
So are you saying when you drill down on the suspense account entries you are shown:
Transactions with out any suspense account entries (which I agree is confusing) or
You were shown transactions with suspense account entries but you have corrected them and now show a screen shot after editing but have highlighted the fields you have edited (which would indicate you are correcting your books appropriately).
As to why your work flow is producing so many suspense account entries, more information on your work flow would be required if you were not aware of why it has been happening. However I suspect when you do a bank import, some entries are not covered by your bank rules so need to be manually handled.
I have not used bulk import of bank statement or bank rules.
Just the actual entries into Sales Invoice/Purchase Invoice/Payments/Receipts … then entered the bank final statement amount/date & it reconciles perfectly for both currencies.
I downloaded the Jason for localised for Australia.
I assumed these would be set and forget, but looks like there is an issue with the Account setting in some of them, would like detailed advice on how to correct these please.
I guess you have setup an alternative account for your tax to go into, then changed your mind and deleted the account but not reset the tax codes. To see what they were you can:
Create a new business
Import the Australian localisation
Look at the tax codes in the test business and edit your work business to the same where appropriate for your business
Only if you want to. Reasons for separate tax liability accounts would be different remittance schedules or different tax authorities. I suspect that is not the case with the two codes you have mentioned.
It is worth noting that all these entries in Suspense were probably thrown there when the program’s tax liability account structure was recently changed. I suspect you had previously deleted the default Tax payable account (or at least renamed it). If you had not, the program would have automatically converted it to the new, standard account structure and kept your tax codes assigned to it.
If this is the one, then no it was not renamed, but I notice the Tax code empty, and has these options
As far as I recall, I never touched the Tax account in CoA, preferring to leave it to the program to handle.
I do recall receiving some advice a while back for tax on imports and started using them before I downloaded and installed the localisation.
I only recently added the Australia localisation, not sure if that caused an issue.
Possibly something went wrong in the process, it could be me or the program, not interested in blame, just remedies / solutions.
My tax by transaction are generally as follows
Where 'Australia is AUS & Overseas is OS and scenario #2 is the most common type
1 AUS to AUS - pay & charge GST only;
2 OS to AUS - no pay GST / charge GST (up to CIF) - pay and charge import duties / GST / & disbursements to pass customs for local delivery … these may be the bulk of remaining suspense account errors so will discuss with screen shots below below;
3 AUS to OS - pay GST / no charge GST (up to CIF) … haven’t done this yet; &
4 OS to OS - no pay GST / no charge GST (up to CIF)
#2 OS to AUS is my most common transaction by far
These are usually a broken into two transaction pairs by currency and activity, it helps negate currency exchange gain/loss over long production cycles of up to 12 months.
a) procure good from vendor inc freight CIF to port in USD from vendor - no GST paid
b) sell good to client inc freight CIF to port USD from vendor - GST is charged
c) procure 3rd party customs clearance and other local services (e.g. local freight or container de-stuffing services) from freight forwarder in AUD - pay GST on imports/GST free & GST on services paid - see sample invoice below
d) Recharge client the GST on imports at cost without GST added (separate line) and recharge all other costs at MU 10% plus GST - see sample invoice below.
Sample invoice from freight forwarder to clear customs
SI in Manager to recharge client as per above #1 GST on imports at cost without GST added (separate line) #2 Recharge all other costs at MU 10% plus GST
@Elfroar, what you are showing in the first screen shot of your last posting is selection of a default tax code to be applied to every transaction posted to an account. In this case, it is your Tax payable liability account, so nothing should be selected. That would be taxing the tax. Default tax codes are selected for accounts like Sales, where every sale is subject to the same tax code. When in doubt, always leave the Tax code field of an account definition blank and apply tax codes to line items on transaction forms.
I don’t mean to sound harsh. But it will do you more good to learn to search the Guides yourself. See Search the Guides | Manager. Most of the questions you have asked have been covered in them.
Or turn on the Learn how to… link at the bottom of any page. Then you will see context-relevant Guides on every page of the program.
Firstly like to say a very big sincere thank you for the problem solving of the key issue causing my Suspense Account to be populated with 18 pages, all because of 2 easy settings missing in the Tax Codes settings … and this during Christmas day, when you should be focused on family and friends … much appreciated.
This issue was not listed in the guide on Suspense Account issues as you rightly pointed out, as the guide wasn’t exhaustive as are many others, so without the forum I would have be getting very frustrated with the software and fast losing interest (keep in mind I’ve advocated Manager to at lease a dozen small businesses, two book keepers & two chartered accountants and three significant business organisations in my region).
Even searching the forum can sometimes be difficult or misleading, as in searching ‘Suspense’ can give results from as far back as 2014, which are most probably no longer relevant to today’s version of Manager, and discussing unrelated issues.
Also not wanting to sound overly harsh, if the main advice given in the forum is to just tell questioners to read the guides, then why bother have a forum at all.
What may seem like basic knowledge and easily accessible to a super-user like yourself, the solutions to simple problems can often appear well hidden or illusive to ordinary or first time users, this requires much patience and tolerance with guiding the questioners to solutions.
From my four decades of equipment engineering design and development, I must look at my clients questions (which may seem obvious and repetitive) in an entirely different way … rather than be frustrated with why a client is asking a question, I ask myself why wasn’t the issue eliminated by design so as not to occur in the first place, and/or why were my instructions not sufficiently clear enough to steer my client to their solution.
In that sense the Forum is a great tool for Lubos to drive development of both the Manager software and the guides which support it.
So I take it from the onset you have been using the guides as a primary source of reference.
Post #9
I agree. It is likely he renamed the “Tax payable” system account to “2000 - Tax payable” and left the the tax codes with this default account. When Manager was updated it didn’t update the tax codes to link to the renamed account and instead linked them to the new default (“Suspense account”). In which case this maybe considered a Manager update bug.
So I would have thought, not the sort of problem I would expect to find a solution in the guides. Errors caused by updating Manager to a later version are more typically discussed in the forum.
I agree the logical guide to look at for suspense errors is the Suspense guide, not chart of accounts or tax codes guides.
Perhaps more useful information earlier would have been:
Manager’s handling of the account “Tax payable” has recently changed. From Releases page
In the past it was a special system account automatically created when a tax code was used, and the default account in all tax codes unless a specific account was selected by the user. Now “Tax payable” is an ordinary account (which can be deleted or renamed if present at all in a COA), and all tax codes default to “Suspense account” unless explicitly set to a specific account.
The Tax code guide has been updated to reflect this change and if Managers version update code does not automatically implement the conversion you will need to manually configure the account used by each of your tax codes, see the updated guide on tax codes for details.