Suggest adding Spend Money button on the payslip

Is it possible to add a Spend Money button on the payslip?

I am finding it having too many steps to get from the payslip to paying the employee. First, I have to enter all the necessary data for the payslip (it is already a hard work getting all the right amounts entered). Second, in order to make payment, I have to click the Bank Accounts tab, then categorize payment to Employee Clearing Account, then select the Employee, and then enter the amount again!. I find the whole process is like doing data entry twice and time-consuming. Wouldn’t it be better to do data entry once and with a click of a button processes the payment?

I am suggesting, similar to Sales Invoice, the payslip should have a Spend Money button where it will take me to the choice of Bank Accounts to pay, add a description if necessary, check the automated amount displayed and then click Add to process the payment. These steps eliminate entering entries twice and speeding up the time to process a simple payment.


Wouldn’t it be better to do data entry once and with a click of a button processes the payment - Excellent suggestion…

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@success127, so I take it that you don’t import your bank statements but enter each bank transaction manually. Is that correct?

Yes lubos. We don’t import bank statements due to the csv file provided by the bank comes in the form of one column for all categories. For that reason, Manager is unable to read and we have to enter one-by-one as a result.

Spend money button added when viewing payslip in the latest version (16.5.88)

Thanks @lubos for the feature.