Why is there no indication that the product is available in stock when an invoice or sales are issued?
Because the inventory count is kept in a different tab. However, you can open the inventory items tab at the same time the sales invoices tab is open. This has been discussed many times in the forum. The procedures vary depending on your operating system. Search the forum for relevant discussions.
I’m using windows 10…but how do I open two tabs at once🤔
Search the forum.
I’ve tried but in vain… maybe a link would help
you can use a browser to open other tabs. Hope this may help you.
Right click on any link in Manager and choose open in a new tab / window
Thanks alooot… that helped alot:partying_face:
Yes truely helpful
There must be an alert if the quantities required in the invoice are not available in the store
zero Qty alart or Qty point for repurchase are not lovely Features here …mayby later they will implament somthing close of it… If they are convinced that are usefull for all
@Ali12, repeating yourself will do no good. This subject is already in the ideas category: Inventory zero warning. I am closing this topic.