Start date change

Up until now my guy has only been using manager to create invoices and quotes. Not worrying at all about the figures being correct. I know…
I’m hoping to correct that with the new financial year.
I’ve tidied up what I can. I set the new dates to be displayed. Then I changed the start date thinking that would give me only what I’ve entered for 2021. I also changed the starting balance on the bank account to match the bank statement of 30/6/2021.
What happens when I set the start date to 1/7/2021 is that all the hundreds of sales invoices for past years revert to being marked as unpaid. It’s as though all the incoming payments disappeared with the change of start date. I’d be grateful for any tips on how I can make this work short of starting over with a clean business file.

The Start Date is the start date of the financial period that you started recording transactions in Manager. It is only used if you are transferring your accounts from a previous system. Read this guide Set start date | Manager

You set it once and leave it unchanged.

When you start a new financial year, you only need to change the date on the Summary Page. read this guide Close an accounting period | Manager

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When I change the financial year dates on the summary edit page The Profit and Loss side of the summary shows new figures appropriate for 2 days into July but the balance sheet on the left side continues to show massive figures which total all the years since 2016. Is it supposed to be like that?


Manager is a continuous accounting system is the Balance sheet total are base on all entries in Manager.
The profit an loss can be used to show any desired period

You will need to either correct all of this or exclude it. If the customer address book is valuable to you then.

  1. Back up your data file

  2. Set the start date in Manager to when you started entering or correcting data fully

  3. Set starting balances consistent with this date

  4. For later years leave the starting date alone and only set the lock date and summary page display range

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It might be easier to create a new business and enter the opening balance sheet as of 1 july

You would have to enter any unpaid invoices - sales and purchases

Also you would need to have the closing balance sheet for 30 june

You could important backup of the old business and then use the batch delete to get rid of the paid invoices.This would avoid recreating all the customers etc

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Thanks heaps everyone for the suggestions. Much appreciated.