Standard production note

I have a suggestion

Most of those who do a production order do the copying of previous operations.

The qty of the output item is usually closely related to the qty of input items
For example, in order to produce a milk box, you need 2 kg of milk, one bottle, one lid and one sticker.
I was thinking, could there be a way to A way to link output items to the input items
So that the user only inserts the quantity he wants to produce and then the manager adjusts the quantities required by production based on the standard data

Much like what’s known as a “standard production note”

It saves time, I guess.
Once the quantity to be produced is introduced, the manager will automatically complete the production process.

Bill Of Materials was suggested many times on the forum and is already a part of discussion in the ideas category. please search the forum before posting new topics.

Yes sure
Is there any update on that?

you would know in much detail if you read the discussions in the related topics.