Some suggestions for API

Dear @lubos, we’ve been working intensively on API in the last few weeks. I try to suggest some ideas:

  1. since the URLs for tabs are always the same, ie SalesInvoices is always ad12b60b-23bf-4421-94df-8be79cef533e, how about giving the possibility to query them thought a shortcut? For example https://url/api/R3JlZW4gU3RhZw/SalesInvoices.json instead of https://url/api/R3JlZW4gU3RhZw/58b9eb90-f6b8-4abc-8ea1-12fd77b8336e.json ? Obviously the same should be applied to all tabs.
  2. how about giving the possibility, through the URL, to have simple listing, like we have already right now with only Key, Name and TimeStamp and full listing with all the fields? Key, Name and TimeStamp, Issue Date, Reference Supplier etc. etc.
  3. how about giving the possibility to filter the lists through the URL, ie whrn Key greater than, Time Stamp equal to etc
  4. I think that custom fileds should not be a subset (the custom fields subset) but at the same level of other fileds with the possibility, again through an URL flag, to show UUID, like today, or their names.