SMTP Error message using Office 365 account

When I use the Office365 account credentials I receive a SMTP sending error message.
port 587
O365 login account
O365 password

Please let me know what is going wrong because using my private email provider all is working fine.

kind regards,

make sure your username matches exactly as set in your O365 account.

I’ve done this and it is not working - I downloaded the latest version of manager before doing so

Still no luck following the office365 set up instructions - see message following
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. []

You are responding to a thread almost 2 years out of date. Read the current Guides:

Visit all relevant links in those Guides. If they don’t answer your questions, provide all information requested in the second one. (Hint: “latest version” tells us nothing, as there can be several updates in a day.)

i have connect hotmail account on email setting but i got error
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. Error: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful []

even i remove 2 factor aut
usename : port 587

Did you read the earlier posts in this topic? If not, please read and follow them, including providing all information requested.

yes all Microsoft Office 365 | Manager
even i use
same error

But you have not furnished the requested information. No one can help unless you do.

I notice that you try to use Microsoft 365 SMTP server for a hotmail address. You should use the hotmail outlook smtp server. For example SMTP Settings for Hotmail Email Addresses connect from these smtp…issue solved


By default you can only setup 1 email address. If done properly no problems should occur.