Single Touch Payroll Worksheet CSV layout problem

That is really appreciated.

While you are doing so, please consider supporting arithmetic of interim values.

Perhaps it is just me, but I put a high value on accounting software producing exactly what is required by the tax authority, including rounding they specify is required. Localisation Rounding support

Also I suspect it is easier to just do exactly the calculations the tax authority specifies, rather than having to think of how the calculations specified by the tax authority can be transformed into operations Manager supports. Even when this can be mostly be done, it requires abstract mathematical thinking, which adds another layer of complexity in implementing country specific reports.

The challenge is for Managers report writer to support enough power to implement the range of country specific reporting requirements, and still be easy to program. I suspect community conversation illustrating the difficulty / ease in writing such reports is key to wider use. It enables users from different jurisdiction to see what is involved in a forum users writing these reports.

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