Hi everyone,
I am new to this community…
Thanks for Developers for making such a wonderful accounting suite which can be run on pc with low specs…
My Question is can i set the date range in cash account transactions ? like when we login to bank account we can set date range of account statement…
like i want to print on only cash account transaction from 1 oct to 7 oct only?
Go to the Cash Accounts tab. Click on the blue balance of the cash account in question. Click Export at the bottom. You can copy and paste the entire register to a spreadhsheet, or you can just drag over the relevant transactions, copy them, and paste in the spreadsheet.
You can get a summary of transactions, but not individual entries, by creating a Cash Account Summary in the Reports tab.
You could also generate a General Ledger Transactions report for the Cash on hand account for that date range. This will include transactions for all cash accounts, if you have more than one.